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About the Artist

Meet the artist behind our art and learn more about her inspiration behind the work.

Hey there! I’m Heather Freitas , founder of Heather Freitas Gallery . Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted to be an artist. It was just this part of me that I could never shake and eventually became every breath of who I am. In High School I remember my art teacher telling me in order to make it we had to create a style of work not done before and completely unique to ourselves. It always stuck with me and for ten years I focused on just that. 

I tried so hard to create works of art that were as lifelike as possible but with a twist to make it my own. Ever since I can remember I have always been sick without answers. When my health rapidly deteriorated and I became isolated to my home is when I finally discovered my style. I had this canvas in front of me and I remember thinking to myself " I just want to speak, to connect, to be heard and to heal. I'm not going to paint realistic, I'm going to paint how I feel" and so I did just that.

 It was at that moment that I found my style. I have since finally been diagnosed with MCAS and am on a path to treatment to live as close to as normal of a life that I can with my condition. I don't share this with you for any other purpose than to express to you how deeply I believe in the impact art can have. How much that impact means to me and how much I want to share that with you.

It all started with my paintings and from that the expansion of all my other collectable collections followed. Throughout it all my mission, my passion, every breath of who I am is, always has been, and always will be creating for YOU. To inspire you, to impact you, to heal you. I don't think we should just surround ourselves with pretty things. I think we should surround ourselves with magical things. Things that hold value. That shape our lives. That help us not feel alone. That carry energy that can only be crafted with intent.

 I'm so happy you are here and are now apart of this amazing community of souls. A part of a ripple that I hope one day will become a wave.

 XoXo, Heather Freitas